Professor of Molecular Genetics
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Current Position: Group Leader Max F. Perutz Laboratories
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Medical University Vienna
Department for Medical Biochemistry
Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Campus Vienna Biocenter
Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9/2
1030 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 (0)1 4277-61807
Fax: +43 (0)1 4277-9618
ORCID: 0000-0003-2719-5955
Main Research Interests
We study fundamental problems in infection biology using a combination of molecular as well as genome-wide and systems biology approaches. We are particularly interested in a better understanding of the dynamic gene regulation during host-pathogen interplay, with a focus on fungal pathogens such as Candida spp. On the pathogen side, we use reverse genetics, systems biology and functional genomics strategies (gene deletions, RNA-Seq / Chip-Seq) to (i) identify virulence and antifungal drug resistance genes, (ii) decipher the role of histone modifications and chromatin alterations in morphogenetic switching or cell fate determination, and (iii) study signaling mechanisms during fungal morphogenesis and host colonization. On the host immune side, we exploit transcriptomics and proteomics of primary phagocytes (macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils) and T cells to study (i) the mechanisms of gene regulation underlying fungal immunity, (ii) the interplay of adaptive (T cells) and innate (dendritic cells) immunity in fungal surveillance, and (iii) type I interferon signaling (i.e. IFN-β and inflammation controlling the function and activity of inflammatory phagocytes (monocytes, neutrophils and T cell polarization), and, (iv), the critical role of Th17 inflammation on pathogen elimination and invasive fungal diseases.
Scientific Education & Career History
- 1994 - date Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics, Medical University Vienna
- 2008 - 2012 Academic Director Christian Doppler Laboratory Infection Biology
- 2000 - 2001 Cluster Manager "Biotechnology & Molecular Medicine", City of Vienna Coordination of the Vienna Region Biotechnology Cluster
- 1994 Venia docendi (Habilitation) in Molecular Genetics, University of Vienna
- 1996 Fulbright Sabbatical Fellow, City of Hope National Cancer Center, USA
- 1992 - 1994 Faculty position Department of Molecular Genetics, Vienna Biocenter
- 1991 - 1992 Senior Research Associate (with Wolfgang Schneider) Lipid & Lipoprotein
Research Group, University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada - 1998 - 2001 Postdoctoral Fellow (with Jeremy Thorner); Department Molecular Cell
Biology, University of California Berkeley, USA - 1986 - 1988 Postdoctoral Fellow (with Günther Kreil); Institute of Molecular Biology
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Salzburg - 1986 PhD in Biochemistry (with Fritz Paltauf)
Thesis "Phospholipid Biosynthesis in Yeast", Technical University of Graz - 1982 Masters Thesis - "Dipl.-Ing." (M.Sc.), Technical University of Graz
- 1977 - 1982 "Biochemistry & Food Biotechnology", Technical University of Graz
Experience in Scientific Management and Organization & Student Supervision
- Since 1992 Supervision & training of 33 Diploma/Masters (M.Sc.) & 23 PhD students
- 1997 - 1998 Planning and organization of the Austrian-wide exhibit "gentechnik pro & contra" for the broad public on risks of DNA technologies (>250.000 visitors)
- 2000 –2002 Cluster Manager for "Biotechnology" at the Vienna Business Agency to coordinate the development of the Vienna Region Biotechnology Cluster
- 2001 – 2002 Initiator & Co-Organizer of the international business plan competition
"Best of Biotech - BOB"at Vienna Business Agency & Innovation Agency - 2004 – date Co-Chair & Co-Organizer of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th FEBS Advanced Lecture Courses on Systems Biology ("Systems Biology: From Molecules to Life") with each >200 participants, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 & 2016
- 2005 Co-Founder CIBIV - “Center Integrative Bioinformatics Vienna”, Vienna
- 1997- date Main Organizer & Chair of the biannual international 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th FEBS Advanced Lecture Courses, and the 1st-7th Special Meetings on ABC Proteins ("ABC Transporters, From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Disease"), each with >250 participants; ABC2006-ABC2018
- 2005 - 2007 Chair & main organizer of the 32nd Annual FEBS Congress FEBS2007 "Molecular Machines” 2400 participants, July 7-12, 2007 in Vienna, Austria
- 2005 - 2010 Chair of the “FEBS Advanced Courses Committee“
- 2005 - 2010 Executive & FEBS Trustee “Federation of European Biochemical Societies“
- 2003 – 2011 Vice-President Max Kade Section of the Academy of Sciences Alumni Club
- 2012 – 2013 President of the Alumni Association of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
- 2013 – 2014 Vice-President of the Austrian Society for Medical Mycology
Supervision of Doctoral (PhD) Thesis Students
(past five years – 25 since 1994)
- Olivia Majer – OeAW DOCff PhD Student 2008-2012
"Innate inflammatory immune response to fungal pathogens” - Lanay Tierney - VBC PhD Student – 2009 – 2012
"Molecular basis of fungal commensalism“ - Michael Tscherner – VBC PhD Student – 2008 – 2012
"Chromatin in fungal virulence of Candida“ - Florian Zwolanek – MFPL PhD Student - 2012 – 2016
"Tec kinase signaling in fungal immune response“ - Fabian Istel – MFPL PhD Student - 2011 – 2016
"Functional genomics of antifungal drug resistance” - Sabrina Jenull – MFPL PhD Student – 2014 - ongoing
"Chromatin modification in virulence of Candida fungal pathogens - Raju Shivarathri – Marie-Curie ITN-ESR PhD – 2013 - ongoing
"MAPK signaling in host-pathogen interplay an virulence“ - Michael Riedlberger - MFPL PhD Student – 2016 - ongoing
"Type I interferons in antifungal immune signaling”
Invited Conference Lectures
(5 recent selected)
- 2017 - Invited Speaker GRC on Multidrug Efflux Transporters, Galveston, Texas, USA
- 2016 - Plenary speaker 2016 Chromosome Stability, Thiruvananthapuram, India
- 2015 - Plenary speaker at the GRC on Fungal Immunology, Galveston, USA
- 2015 - Plenary speaker HFP2015 on Human Fungal Pathogens, Nice, France
- 2014 - Plenary speaker PCM2014Meeting of Paracoccioides & Mycoses, Brasilia, Brazil
Honors & Awards
(5 most relevant)
- 1986 - Fellow of the Max Kade Foundation Inc., University of California at Berkeley
- 1990 - Erwin Schrödinger Fellow of the Austrian Science Foundation FWF
- 1996 - Fulbright Fellow at the City of Hope National Cancer Center, USA
- 1996 - Novartis Prize for Biology, Novartis (Sandoz) Austria
- 2013 – German Wolfgang Seeliger Prize for Medical Mycology, Germany
Member of Reviewing Panels, Editorial Boards, Scientific Organizations
(5 selected)
- Regular reviewing for journals Nature, Immunity, JCI, PLoS & Cell Press, PNAS, mBio
- Editorial Board member of J. Biological Chemistry
- Assoc. Editor and Editorial Board member for Virulence
- Panel member FWO Funding Agency Grant Panel Bio2
- Jury member of the German Biotechnica Award in Biotechnology
Most Important Research Funding
(selection of most relevant in past 5 years)
- 2017 – 2021, NIH-RO1 – Lysyl acetyl transferase targets in fungal infections - 330 k
- 2017 – 2020, Infect-ERA – Stimulating innate immunity to treat fungal infections – 260 k
- 2012 – 2016, FWF - Chromatin - Chromatin modification in fungal virulence - 348 k€
- 2014 – 2017, FP7 - Coordinator MC-ITN Training Network “ImResFun” – 840 k€
- 2014 – 2018, FP7 - Partner FP7 FUNGITECT Diagnosis of fungal pathogens - 1130 k€
Key International Collaborators
(selection of 5 with joint publications since 2012)
Public Understanding of Science – Activities Related to Science in & for Society
Long-standing experience and track record in interaction with journalists and media, and public perception of science, outreach to high schools, as well as to political decision-makers. Moreover, I was one of the co-founders, and then until 2006 vice-speaker, of dialog<>gentechnik (DGT – now Open Science -, a non-profit public body devoted to fostering public understanding of science.
Numerous interviews, commentaries in the daily / weekly print media, including interviews on TV and radio on public perception of science and biotechnology.
Current DGT highlight projects (biology teacher education, journalist biology education, “Genkoffer for Rent“, gene technology exhibits for the public, etc.) were based on concepts and visions I have developed with DGT leaders.
Initiator and co-founder of the Vienna Open Lab ( to train and educate pupils and teachers basic methods in modern molecular biology through hands-on activities.
Numerous lectures for the public and high schools, as well as in primary schools on basic biology, science, gene technology, and on the role of today’s biotechnology in day-to-day life in a modern society. Moreover, I regularly participate in annual educational programmes offering teaching for the public and schools (“University Meets Public“). Basic scientific lectures in public school facilities covering Infection Biology & Drug Resistance for the interested broad public audience.
Initiator and Organizer of the „Kids Congress“ in collaboration with the Childrens University Vienna with some 800 school children aged 7-12 attending two scientific lectures at the Vienna FEBS2007 Congress
2011 - Winner of the ScienceSlam Contest during the Open Day of the Medical University of Vienna – Oral presentation to the public – „Immune cells - our eating and cleaning machines“
List of Publications (2012 - 2016)
Overall, more than 140 publications listed in ISI Web of Knowledge, including papers in peer-reviewed journals, reviews, book chapters; editor of several books or special journal issues. More than 130 invited talks at international meetings, conferences and university institutions. The cumulative impact factor of all publications is currently exceeding 800. Based on Google Scholar, publications received more than 9100 citations, with a current life-time Hirsch h Index of 53
Since 2012, 33 original peer-reviewed papers, including reviews and 1 book chapter without peer-review.
- Bourgeois & K. Kuchler (2012). Fungal pathogens - A sweet and sour diet for toll-like receptors. Frontiers Cell. Infection Microbiol. 2:142 doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2012.00142. Epub 2012 Nov 22.
- Hnisz, D., A. Bardet, C. Nobile, U. Schoeck, A. Petryshin, W. Glaser, A. Stark, & K. Kuchler (2012). Histone deacetylation at coding sequences adjusts transcription kinetics during C. albicans morphogenesis. PLoS Genetics 12:e1003118 doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003118.
- Tscherner, M., E. Stappler, D. Hnisz & K. Kuchler(2012). The histone acetyltransferase Hat1 facilitates DNA damage repair and morphogenesis in C. albicans.Mol. Microbiol. 86:1197-214. doi: 10.1111/mmi.12051. Epub 2012 Oct 17
- Ryan, O., RS. Shapiro, CF. Kurat, D. Mayhew, A. Baryshnikova, B. Chin, Z-Y. Lin, M.J. Cox, F. Vizeacoumar, D. Cheung, S. Bahr, K. Tsui, F. Tebbji, A. Sellam, F. Istel, T. Schwarzmüller, T.B. Reynolds, K. Kuchler, D.K. Gifford, M. Whitway, G. Giaever, C. Nislow, M. Costanzo, A-C. Gingras, R.D. Mitra, B. Andrews, G.R. Fink, L.E. Cowen & C. Boone; (2012). Global gene deletion analysis exploring yeast filamentous growth. Science 337: 1353-1356 doi: 10.1126
- Majer, O., Bourgeois, C., F. Zwolanek, M. Mack, C. Lassing, D. Kerjaschki, M. Müller & K. Kuchler (2012). Type I interferon signaling promotes fatal immunopathology through the recruitment of inflammatory monocytes and neutrophils. PLoS Pathogens 8: e1002811
- Tierney, L., J. Linde, S. Müller, S. Brunke, B. Hube, R. Guthke & K. Kuchler (2012).Parallel RNA-Seq reveals novel interspecies gene regulatory networks of C. albicans invading innate immune cells. Frontiers Microbiol 3: 85, Epub 2012 Mar 12
- Tierney, L., L. Rizzetto, D. Cavalieri* & K. Kuchler* (2012). Systems biology of host-fungus interactions: turning complexity into simplicity? Curr Opin Microbiol. 15: 440-446
- Miguel Relloso, M., L. Aragoneses-Fenoll, C. Bourgeois, G. Romera, K. Kuchler, A.L. Corbí, MA. Muñoz-Fernandez, J.L. Rodríguez-Fernández & Rosalia Diez-Orejas (2012). Estrus impairs the trigger of Th17 immune response by altering dendritic cell function. J. Leukocyte Biol. 91:159-165
- Zavrel, M., O. Majer, K. Kuchler & S. Rupp (2012). The transcription factor Efg1 shows a significant haploinsufficiency phenotype in modulating cell wall architecture and immunogenicity of Candida albicans. Eukaryotic Cell. 11: 129-140
- Köprülü, A.D, Kastner, R., Wienerroither, S., Lassnig, C., Putz, E-M, Majer, O., Reutterer, B., Sexl, V., Kuchler, K., Müller, M., Decker, T., and W. Ellmeier (2013). Btk regulates the macrophage response to Listeria monocytogenes infection. PLoS ONE 8: e60476 doi: 10.1371
- Lee, J., W. Reiter, I. Dohnal, C. Gregori, S. Beese-Sims, K. Kuchler, G. Ammerer, & D. Levin (2013). Hog1 MAPK closes the S. cerevisiae Fps1 glycerol channel by phosphorylating and displacing its positive regulators. Genes & Dev 27: 2590-2601
- Tscherner, M. and K Kuchler (2013). Immunoblot Analysis of Histone H4 Acetylation and Histone H2A Phosphorylation in Candida albicans. Bio-Protocol 3(20): e943.
- Lackner, M., M. Tscherner, M. Schaller, K. Kuchler, C.Mair, B. Sartori, F. Istel, M. C. Arendrup and C. Lass-Flörl (2014). Position and numbers of FKS mutations in C. albicans selectively influence in vitro and in vivo susceptibility to echinocandin treatment. Antimic. Agents Chemoth. E-publ. PMID: 24733467
- Seider K, Gerwien F, Kasper L, Allert S, Brunke S, Jablonowski N, Schwarzmüller T, Barz D, Rupp S, Kuchler K, & Hube B (2014). Immune evasion, stress resistance, and efficient nutrient acquisition are crucial for intracellular survival of Candida glabrata within macrophages. Eukaryotic Cell. 13(1):170-83. doi: 10.1128/EC.00262-13
- Kasper, L., Seider K, Gerwien F, Allert S, Brunke S, Schwarzmüller T, Ames L, Barrera CZ, Mansour MK, Becken U, Barz D, Vyas JM, Reiling N, Haas A, Haynes K, Kuchler K, & B. Hube (2014). Identification of Candida glabrata genes involved in pH modulation and modification of the phagosomal environment in macrophages. PLoS ONE. 9: e96015. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096015; PMID: 24789333
- Schwarzmüller, T., B. Ma, M. Tscherner, F. Istel, E.Hiller, S. Brunke, L. Ames, A. Firon, B. Green,, V. Cabral, M. Marcet-Houben, I.D. Jacobsen, J. Quintin, K. Seider, I. Frohner, H. Jungwirth, W. Glaser, D. Ferrandon, S. Rupp, C. D’Enfert, B. Cormack, K. Haynes & K. Kuchler (2014). Systematic phenotyping of a genome-scale C. glabrata deletion collection reveals novel antifungal drug tolerance genes. PLoS Pathogens, 10: e1004211. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004211. eCollection 2014 Jun
- Nobile, CJ, N. Hartooni, E. Fox, K. D. Hnisz, D. Andes, K. Kuchler, and A.D. Johnson (2014). A histone deacetylase complex mediates biofilm dispersal and drug resistance in C. albicans. mBIO, 10;5(3). pii: e01201-14. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01201-14
- Wirnsberger G., F. Zwolanek, J. Stadlmann, L. Tortola, S.Wan-Liu, P. Järvinen, G. Dürnberger, I. Kozieradzki, R. Sarao, AD Martino, K. Boztug, K. Mechtler, K. Kuchler, C. Klein, U. Elling, & JM. Penninger (2014). Jagunal-homolog 1 is a critical regulator of neutrophil function in fungal host defense. Nature Genetics, 46(9):1028-33. doi: 10.1038/ng.3070. Epub 2014 Aug 17
- Zwolanek, F., M. Riedelberger, V. Stolz, W. Ellmeier & K. Kuchler (2015). The non-receptor tyrosine kinase Tec controls fungal virulence by activating the caspase-8 inflammasome. PLoS Pathogens.10(12):e1004525. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004525
- Lüttich A, Linde J, Schreiner M, Horn F, Jacobsen ID, Guthke R, Kuchler K, Forche A, d’Enfert C, Brunke S, & B. Hube (2015). Microevolution of Candida albicans in macrophages restores filamentation in a nonfilamentous mutant. PLoS Genetics, 0(12):e1004824. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004824
- Brunke S, J Quintin, L Kasper, ID Jacobsen, ME Richter, E Hiller, T Schwarzmüller, C d'Enfert, K Kuchler, S Rupp, B Hube & D Ferrandon (2015) Of fungal pathogens in mice, flies – and men? Comparing infection models for large-scale screening efforts. Dis Model Mechanism 8(5):473-86. doi: 10.1242/dmm.019901. Epub 2015 Mar 18.
- Mota S, R Alves, C Carneiro, S Silva, Brown AJ, F Istel, K Kuchler, P Sampaio, M Casal, M Henriques, & S. Paiva Candida glabrata susceptibility to antifungals and phagocytosis is modulated by acetate.(2015).Frontiers Microbiol, 6:919. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00919. eCollection 2015.
- Istel F, Schwarzmüller T, Tscherner M & K Kuchler (2015). Genetic Transformation of Candida glabrata by Electroporation. Bio Protoc 5(14). pii: e1528.
- Istel F, Schwarzmüller T, Tscherner M & K Kuchler (2015). Large-scale Phenotypic Profiling of Gene Deletion Mutants in Candida glabrata. Bio Protoc 5(14). pii: e1530.
- Istel F, Schwarzmüller T, Tscherner M & K Kuchler (2015). Genetic Transformation of Candida glabrata by Heat Shock. Bio Protoc 5(14). pii: e1529.
- Tscherner M, F Zwolanek, S. Jenull, F Sedlazeck, A Petryschy, I Frohner, J Mavrianos, N Chauhan, A von Haeseler & K. Kuchler (2015). The Candida albicans histone acetyltransferase Hat1 regulates stress resistance and virulence via distinct chromatin assembly pathways. PLoS Pathogens, 11(10):e1005218. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005218. eCollection 2015 Oct.
- Montanari F, Pinto M, Khunweeraphong N, Wlcek K, Sohail MI, Noeske T, Boyer S, Chiba P, Stieger B, Kuchler K, & GF Ecker (2016). Flagging drugs that inhibit the bile salt export pump. Mol Pharm. Dec 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- Schwarz T, Montanari F, Cseke A, Wlcek K, Visvader L, Palme S, Chiba P, Kuchler K, Urban E, & GF Ecker (2016). Subtle Structural Differences Trigger Inhibitory Activity of Propafenone Analogues at the Two Polyspecific ABC Transporters: P-Glycoprotein (P-gp) and Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP). Chem Med Chem. 2016 Mar 10. doi: 10.1002/cmdc.201500592. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26970257
- Agustinho DP, de Oliveira MA, Tavares AH, Derengowski L, Stolz V, Guilhelmelli F, Mortari MR, & K Kuchler*, I Silva-Pereira* (2016. Dectin-1 is required for miR155 upregulation in murine macrophages in response to Candida albicans. Virulence. 13:1-12. (*corresponding authors)
- Nogueira F, Istel F, Pereira L, Tscherner M, & K Kuchler (2017). Immunological identification of fungal species. Methods Mol Biol. 1508:339-359.
- Kuchler* K, Jenull S, Shivarathri R, & N Chauhan* (2016). Fungal KATs/KDACs: A New Highway to Better Antifungal Drugs? PLoS Pathog. 12(11):e1005938. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005938 (*corresponding authors)
- Wirnsberger* G., F. Zwolanek*, Asaoka T, Kozieradzki I, Tortola L, RA Wimmer, F Fresser, G Baier, WY Langdon, A Kavirayani, F Ikeda, K. Kuchler* & JM. Penninger* (2016). Inhibition of CBLB protects from lethal Candida albicans sepsis. Nature Medicine 22:915-23. doi: 10.1038/nm.4134. Epub 2016 Jul 18 (*Equal first & equal corresponding authors)
- Xie J, Jenull S, Tscherner M, & K Kuchler (2016). The paralogous histone deacetylases Rpd3 and Rpd31 play opposing roles in regulating the white-opaque switch in the fungal pathogen Candida albicans. mBio 7(6):e01807-16. doi:10.1128/mBio.01807-16
Reviews, Book Chapters & Special Journal Issues (without peer-review)
- Tierney, L., K. Tyc, E. Klipp & K. Kuchler (2013). Systems Biology to Understand Fungal Virulence. In Mycota Vol. XII: Human Fungal Pathogens, 2ndEd. (O.Kurzai, Ed.)
- 2001 “Improved yeast strain”. DSM (formerly Gist-Brocades), European Patent as Inventor with Peter Piper and Rutger van Rooijen filed by Gist-Brocades. European Patent Office No. 98201094.4-2105
- 2005 “Method for detoxification of mycotoxins“. European Patent as Co-Inventor with Gerhard Adam and Josef Glössl (BOKU Vienna) and others filed by AWS. European Patent Office No. 03450194.0- Poppenberger, B., Adam, G., Berthiller, F., Krska, R., Kuchler, K., Luschnig, C., Glößl, J., Lucyshyn, D., Schumacher, R., andSieberer, T., (2005) Method for detoxification of mycotoxins. World wide patent W02005021740-2005-03-1
- 2016 “Inhibitors of CBLB as Antifungal Agents“. Inventors Gerald Wirnsberger, Josef Penninger, Florian Zwolanek, Karl Kuchler. Patent application #EP16173740
10 Most Important Career Publications (only as first or corresponding author)
- Kuchler, K., R. Sterne, & J. Thorner (1989). Saccharomyces cerevisiae STE6 gene product: A novel pathway for protein export in eukaryotic cells. EMBO J 8: 3973-3985
- Piper, P., Y. Mahé, S. Thompson, R. Pandjaitan,C. Holyoak, R. Egner, M. Mühlbauer, P. Coote, & K. Kuchler (1998). The Pdr12 ABC transporter is required for the development of weak organic acid resistance in yeast. EMBO J 17: 4257-4265
- Egner, R., F. E. Rosenthal, N. Kralli, D. Sanglard & K. Kuchler (1998). Genetic separation of FK506 susceptibility and drug transport in the Pdr5 ABC drug resistance transporter. Mol Biol Cell 9: 523-543
- Kren, A., Y.M. Mamnun, B. Bauer, C. Schüller, H. Wolfger, C. Gregori, K Hatzixanthis, M. Mollapour, P. Piper & K. Kuchler (2003). War1p, a novel transcription factor controling weak acid stress response in yeast. Mol Cell Biol 23: 1775-1785
- Hnisz, D., O. Majer, I.E. Frohner, V. Komnenovic, & K. Kuchler (2010). The Set3/Hos2 histone deacetylase complex attenuates cAMP/PKA signaling to regulate morphogenesis and virulence of C. albicans. PLoS Pathogens 13: e1000889doi: 10.1371
- Tierney, L., J. Linde, S. Müller, S. Brunke, B. Hube, R. Guthke& K. Kuchler (2012). Parallel RNA-Seq reveals novel interspecies gene regulatory networks of C. albicans invading innate immune cells. Frontiers Microbiol 3: 85, Epub 2012 Mar 12
- Majer, O., Bourgeois, C., F. Zwolanek, M. Mack, C. Lassing, D. Kerjaschki, M. Müller & K. Kuchler (2012). Type I interferon signaling promotes fatal immunopathology through the recruitment of inflammatory monocytes and neutrophils. PLoS Pathogens 8: e1002811
- Schwarzmüller, T., B. Ma, M. Tscherner, F. Istel, E.Hiller, S. Brunke, L. Ames, A. Firon, B. Green,, V. Cabral, M. Marcet-Houben, I.D. Jacobsen, J. Quintin, K. Seider, I. Frohner, H. Jungwirth, W. Glaser, D. Ferrandon, S. Rupp, C. D’Enfert, B. Cormack, K. Haynes & K. Kuchler (2014). Systematic phenotyping of a genome-scale C. glabrata deletion collection reveals novel antifungal drug tolerance genes. PLoS Pathogens, 10: e1004211. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004211. eCollection 2014 Jun
- Zwolanek, F., M. Riedelberger, V. Stolz, W. Ellmeier & K. Kuchler (2015). The non-receptor tyrosine kinase TEC controls fungal virulence by activating the caspase-8 inflammasome. PLoS Pathogens.10:e1004525. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004525
- Wirnsberger* G., F. Zwolanek*, Asaoka T, Kozieradzki I, Tortola L, RA Wimmer, F Fresser, G Baier, WY Langdon, A Kavirayani, F Ikeda, K. Kuchler* & JM. Penninger* (2016). Inhibition of CBLB protects from lethal Candida albicans sepsis. Nature Medicine 22:915-23. doi: 10.1038/nm.4134. Epub 2016 Jul 18 (*Equal first & equal corresponding authors)